You Make a Difference

DBSA Colorado Springs is an award-winning, all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, and independent affiliate of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), the leading patient-directed national organization focusing on the most prevalent mental illnesses – depression and bipolar disorder. Locally, we offer a number of outstanding programs and services, which include free self-help support groups for people with mood disorders, and their family and friends.

As an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, we rely on people donating their time, as well as in-kind and financial gifts to support our mission.  To receive more information on our current needs or to make a donation, please complete one of the forms below:


Other Ways to Support DBSA-CS

Sign in to your KS account at Have your registered phone number or hang tag 12 digit number handy. Click on “Savings and Rewards”; scroll down to the bottom item in the drop-down list, “Community Rewards”, and click it. It’ll take you to Click Enroll Now. On the next screen, type in either:
Our organization Name: DBSA Colorado Springs, or our Organization Number: RV771
You will then get a screen that says you are enrolled! Easy to do, and it’s free!


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